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Woman Sleeping

Leila Jalali MD, PhD, CCSH, DBSM
Behavioral Sleep Professional, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant
Consult Education and Research



About Dr. Leila Jalali

 Dr. Leila Jalali is a Medical Doctor, Certified pediatric and adult sleep consultant and  Public Sleep Health Professional  graduated from the University of Waterloo (P.h.D). She is certified in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH) and Board Certified in Behavioral Sleep Medicine (DBSM). She has extensive experience and deep knowledge in different sleep disorders and behavioral sleep therapy for adult and children. She also has experience in over night Sleep Data analysis and interpretation(RPSGT), with the history of working in hospital, sleep clinics, and health care system and proudly shares her knowledge and experience to improve people sleep health. 


  • Ph.D. in Public Health from University of Waterloo with research focus on sleep health

  • MD from Isfahan University of Medical Science 

Sleeping Baby

How Can We Help You?






We as adults spend about one-third of our life sleeping. Children also spend up to 40% of their lives sleeping by the age of 18. However, for many people, sleep is not as simple as it seems.  Sleep problems, insufficient or disrupted sleep can result in significant daytime impairments, can negatively impact mood, behavior, health and affect social development,  and academic functioning . The good news is that many common sleep problems respond well to the behavioral interventions.


At Behaviral Sleep Regenesis, we can help if :


  •  You look for expert advice on sleep training  for your baby

  • you struggle to get your baby or toddler to sleep through the night or she/he wakes up several times every single night 

  •  your child resists going to sleep and bedtime is a challenge and  it takes hours  to get him/her to sleep.

  • Your child  is afraid of his or her room and afraid of sleeping, and ends up sleeping in your room

  • Your pre-schooler experiences confusional arousals, sleep terrors, and sleepwalking

  • Your school age or teenager is often late to school because he or she can’t wake up, even with three alarm clocks.

  • Your school-age children and adolescents suffer from nighttime fears, nightmares, insomnia, and delayed sleep–wake phase


For adults we can help if:

  • You have days and nights mixed up

  •  You suffer from insomnia

  • You do not feel refreshed in the morning

  • You have CPAP machine but are not interested to use or you have claustrophobia

  • You suffer from work shift disorders

  • You travel a lot and worry about jetlag

  • You experience delayed or advanced sleep phase




Children , Youth and baby

Sleep Consulting and personalized sleep planning


Adult and Elderly

Sleep Consulting and personalized sleep planning



Workshop and

Group Education 


Research & Innovation 

Insurance Policy

Service Packages

Sleep Consulting Package #1 With 4 weeks support for Children and Adults Including: 


45-60 minute phone or video consultation 

Review of the sleep questionnaire and sleep diary

Detailed, customized behavioral advice

Four sessions of  15 minutes long Phone or Video Calls during the 4 weeks of follow up

Four weeks of email or text support

(We will respond to emails within one business day)


Package Cost: $ 499


Sleep Consulting Package # 2  with 2 weeks support for Children and Adults Including: 


25-30 minute phone or video consultation 

Review of the sleep questionnaire and sleep diary

Detailed, customized behavioral advice

Two sessions of  15 minutes long Phone or Video Calls during the 2 weeks of follow up

 Two weeks of email  or text support


Package Cost: $ 249


Hourly Consultation :  $110/Hour


30 minutes phone or video consultation: $ 75



Workshop and Group Education: $200/Hour


We also Provide In-person Consultation for residents of Waterloo, Kitchener,

Cambridge, Guelph and Hamilton






Contact Information


Waterloo Ontario Canada



For Your 15min Free Appointment or any Questions Contact Us Here

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